Thursday, December 11, 2008

for S

A mix of fantasy and reality, with the hope that it will all become reality some day soon. My words are dedicated to my owner, S. He inspires me, he gives me strength, he makes me who and what I am. He gives me purpose. He is, with the exception of my children, the one for whom I live. This chronicles how I am finding happiness through my submission to the one I call Master.


Romeo Morningwood said...

Do tell.

I am delighted that you have procured an avenue for your formidable sense of Grrrrr

Maybe this will reignite my once insatiable libido which has myteriously gone South since my recent snippage...
maybe psychological, but perhaps the master link to the brain was accidentally knicked?

Too soon to be worried but a weird feeling none the less.

goodgirl said...

I don't think you have anything to worry about. I have faith that your insatiable libido will be soon reignited.